Monday, September 20, 2010


You know how "stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts"? Well, I'm taking that seriously! I'm beyond stressed, and what do I do? I eat my weight in homemade peach cobbler (and milk, of course)! Probably not a good thing to do, considering this weekend is Homecoming! Ahh! This weekend! That's so stinking soon! And that is partly because I'm stressed!
First of all, I'm in charge of the Homecoming Assembly this Friday. That means, I'm running a whole assembly in front of all of Mountain View. 3,000+ people. Crazy! Then we have the parade, the football game, and all the fun that goes with that. Then... Homecoming! I'm soooo excited! Then a week and a half later, I have the blood drive that I'm in charge of. I was really excited for it, but now I'm starting to feel the pressure of pulling off these two big things in such a short amount of time. And, to top it off, my English teacher gave us our "Long Form" project today. Now, imagine this: spending four straight hours working on a project. That was me yesterday working on the "Short Form". Short?! But wait... it gets even better! The Long Form is due on the day of the Blood Drive! Ha! My biggest event of the school year is the day my Long Form is due! Fun!
Now, I'm off to work on my Long Form! Wish me luck!


Alison said...

If any one can do it, YOU CAN! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Go Super Cassidy!!! Dang on earth do you manage?! You must be the wizard of time mangament now!! You're awesome!! HAHA...I am so happy for undifficult AP classes!!

nicole said...

makes since why i eat desserts when i am stressed :)

Jen Olson Brown said...

Oh Cass. Someday you'll be looking at someone else's bog and reading something like this and think two things.

#1. I'm so glad that's not me.
#2. I wish that were me.

So with that said, you will be out of this soon, but be happy that you are in a position to do good and be a leader to your peers. It sure is worth it. Love ya and good luck!!!